Beauty Things

Published on August 22nd, 2019 | by admin


How to Take Care of Your Skin

While some may say that beauty is only skin-deep, many people are still obsessed with keeping their skin healthy and beautiful. Having a beautiful skin is closely-related with our health. Acne breakouts, eczema, and other skin conditions may be proof that something needs to be corrected – it may be your diet, sleep or unhealthy habits.

In order for you to possess a happy skin and body, here are healthy ways you can incorporate into your daily routine:

1. Reapply your sunscreen every few hours

Instead of waiting until it’s warm and sunny to apply sunscreen, it’s a great idea to remember to apply your sunscreen every few hours, even in winter. As the sun’s rays can cause premature ageing.

While it’s healthy to enjoy a bit of sunshine, it’s also wise to limit the time which you spend in the sun, to prevent premature aging. In the summer months, make sure to protect your face by wearing a hat and sunglasses.

3. Exfoliate your skin two times a week

In order to rid your skin of built up dirt and impurities it’s well worth exfoliating your skin 2-3 times per week. Try to avoid doing it on a daily basis as doing so can strip of its natural oils, which protect your skin.

4. Follow a daily skincare routine

If you’re serious about taking great care of your skin, it’s a great idea to follow a multi-step skincare routine. As an example, you may want to start off your day by cleansing your skin, before applying toner and moisturizer. At night you may want to wash your face before placing eye cream on your face and a thick, hydrating night time moisturizer.

5. Treat eczema with eczema lotions

The best way to treat eczema, which is a fairly common skin condition, is to routinely use eczema lotions to get rid of itchy, red, and flaky skin. So next time you discover eczema on your face or body, it’s well worth trying out an eczema lotion. Especially if you’ve tried numerous methods to get rid of your eczema which haven’t worked and you’re struggling to deal with it.

6. Purchase skincare products for your skin type

It’s also well worth to carefully select skincare products for your skin type. As an example, if you have naturally dry skin, you’ll be best off purchasing skincare products such as moisturizers that have been specially formulated for individuals with dry skin. Alternatively, you may want to search for skin care products for oily skin or combination skin, depending on your natural skin type. If possible, choose skincare products that feature natural ingredients, which you can easily read and understand.

7. Try to boost your collagen levels

While your body naturally produces collagen, your body produces less collagen as you age so it’s important to choose skincare products which will boost your skin’s collagen levels. As collagen will help your skin look bright, youthful and firm, and can decrease the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

If you follow the handy step-by-step guide listed above, you should have no difficulty taking great care of your skin.


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