Published on December 28th, 2017 | by admin
05 Skills Every DNP Needs
If you are contemplating taking your nursing career to the next level, it’s time to think about progressing to a nurse practitioner doctorate degree. While there are 8 competencies listed by the AACN, the voice of nursing education in the United States, there are at least 5 of those skills which you probably already possess. Take a look at these 5 skills every DNP needs to see if you are among those ready to take the plunge into DNP entry for nurse practitioners. Study online at Regis College and work within the profession as you go, honing those skills which will propel you upwards to new levels in your career.
1. Organizational Skills
If you are going to take your MSN to DNP online while continuing to work, you will obviously need the organizational skills that have made you the great nurse you are. However, as you advance towards being a DNP, you will come to depend on those skills even more.
2. Leadership Skills
As a DNP, you will almost always have nurses working under you. Whether you are in private practice or on staff at a hospital or clinic, much of the support staff will answer directly to you. This serves to free up the doctor you are answerable to, which in turn takes some of the burden off a failing healthcare system in the U.S.
3. Understanding of Health Care Policy
Every aspect of healthcare is regulated by policy. There are policies set forth by government on all levels from federal to local and then there are institutional polices you must abide by. It is your duty as a healthcare provider to understand those policies and adhere to them strictly. Compliance with these policies is aimed at better patient care.
4. Working Knowledge of Healthcare Technology
Technology is the way forward in healthcare and nothing is left untouched by technological advances. From patient to provider communications to the diagnostic tests a provider needs and everything in between, you will see technology at the center of every function and every practice. As a DNP your working knowledge of healthcare technology is crucial.
5. Collaboration with Medical Peers for Better Outcomes
Finally, as you will be working under the guidance of doctors and are answerable to them, you understand the need to collaborate with your peers for better outcomes. You have, over the years, seen doctors step aside from a patient to make a quick call to a peer who happens to specialize in the area of practice the doctor is concerned with. That’s the type of collaboration you will need to perfect if you are to work towards better outcomes for all patients everywhere. It’s team work at its finest and your patients will be the recipients of those rewards.
Growing in your profession as a DNP means making sacrifices today for a better tomorrow. Yes, there will be times you are at the end of your rope, wondering if you have the strength to face another day on the floor only to be followed by another night of studies. However, achieving your goals and helping people survive is almost as great as winning the lottery. Maybe, even better! Getting that doctorate online doesn’t mean it’s any easier, it’s simply more convenient and probably lower cost for those who want to continue working while getting that advanced degree. Do you already have these skills? If so, you’re ready to take the plunge.