Published on January 23rd, 2019 | by admin
0FAQs on CBD You Need to Know
You might be curious about CBD and what it does. Perhaps, you know that it came from a marijuana plant, but you have no idea how it works. These are some questions people ask regarding CBD that you might also want to know.
What does CBD oil do?
CBD or cannabidiol helps in treating or alleviating pain, and this has known to be true among people who experience chronic pain. People who suffer an epileptic episode also try using CBD oil to prevent it from happening. Currently, some studies are looking into the possibility of using the oil to treat multiple sclerosis and even cancer.
Is it psychoactive?
Since marijuana can cause addiction, some people think that CBD, as a byproduct of the plant, also has the same effect. Although CBD came from the marijuana plant, it does not have the same effect. It is the THC that has psychoactive properties, and not CBD. You can even use CBD oil to treat addiction to illegal drugs.
What is the right dosage?
The appropriate dosage depends on the person using it. You need to consult your doctor first before you decide to use CBD for advice. For instance, if you have epileptic attacks and you are already under medication, you cannot have CBD in high dosage. To feel the effect of CBD, you can vape it or buy it in capsule form. You may also find one that you can apply topically.
What are the side effects?
Our bodies react differently to all sorts of medications. The same thing is right for CBD. Some people used the oil in the past and did not have encounter any side effect. However, there were reported cases of people who had fatigue, diarrhoea, weight loss, and loss of appetite due to CBD intake. Again, it is crucial to heed the advice of a medical professional before you use CBD oil.
Is it legal?
Yes. In the UK, the sale and use of CBD are legal. CBD came from the same plant that was used in creating hemp textiles and seeds, which are also legal. Although there is still a small trace of THC in some CBD products, the amount is too little. When you take a drug test, you will not fail because you used CBD oil.
Where is the safest place to buy CBD?
Since it is legal, the government can regulate the sale of a CBD product. Find one that came from organic hemp since it does not cause side effects. In the production of the oil, there were no pesticides and heavy metals used. You can order and buy CBD oil online as long as you choose a store that has positive reviews, and a lot of people trust it.
Now that you understand what CBD does, you might want to give it a try. If you or the person you love currently has a chronic illness that CBD could treat, there is nothing wrong if you provide this type of medication a shot.
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