
Published on April 23rd, 2021 | by admin


How to Transition from Spring to Summer

Spring is in the air! And Summer is not far behind her. This time of year is all about renewal and growth. Even the vegetables that begin to sprout and flourish nudge us with that gentle reminder to pick up or continue with our wellness journey. With all the heat and humidity we’re about to encounter as we enter Spring and head towards summer, it’s essential to start preparing our bodies to “weather” this weather as seamlessly as possible. Here a few ways to make the seasonal transition.

1 – Eating Local and Organic Food

It’s always best to eat with the seasons as much as possible. As far as eating locally, Spring and summer are the most accessible times of year to make that happen. So, check out your local farmer’s markets and stock up on the beautiful bounty your local farmers are harvesting right now. If you don’t have a farmer’s market in your area, buy the in-season produce at any grocery store. These would be asparagus, peas, cucumbers, peaches, berry varieties, watermelons, and tomatoes. If you’re filling your diet with these nutrient-dense and vitamin-packed summer staples, you’re sure to look and feel as vibrant as the colorful outdoors surrounding you.

2 – Get Outside!

Speaking of the colorful outdoors, now is the time to soak it all in. With this past year, we’ve all felt cooped up more than we ever thought we would be. Thankfully we know how important fresh air is to our physical and mental health, not to mention the added benefit of all the vitamin D you’ll get spending time with nature. Check out your local parks and trails and enjoy watching the trees and flowers bloom. Take up a new hobby like bird watching or gardening. These things help us feel more connected to the changing seasons and boost our mood and overall wellness.

3 – Cleanse & Hydrate Yourself

With the rebirth and cleanse that Spring brings, it’s essential to get that same cleansing to ourselves – and you don’t even need sage! Make sure to drink the recommended two to three liters of water a day for optimum hydration. You may need even more depending on your lifestyle and activity level. The boost in hydration will also help shed off those calories we stored during winter and lockdown. You also want to cleanse and hydrate your body. Invest in a quality exfoliant and help your body remove that dead winter skin buildup. Don’t neglect your delicate facial skin, and make sure you’re also using a skin cleanser specially formulated for that.

4 – Mindfulness

Be present in what is going on around you. Spring cleaning isn’t just about your home; declutter your mind as well. Spring is the season of renewal and fresh starts. Give yourself a fresh start! Clear your mind of the past and allow yourself to start anew, focusing only on those things you can control and change.

5 – Protect Your Skin

We want the sun’s abundant vitamin D source, and we also need to protect ourselves from UV rays. So make sure that you’re applying sunscreen with SPF daily and reapplying every couple of hours during peak sun times – 10:00 am to 2:00 pm.  You could also invest in a quality sun hat. Not only have they been “in” for the last several years, but virtually every dermatologist will also tell you – if you’re going to be under the sun, you want that added layer of protection that hat brings.

6 – Wear Clothes that Breathe

You will be infinitely more comfortable in natural fibers that breathe with you as the weather changes. Ditch the wool and heavier materials you’ve been layering and opt for more natural, flowy textures. Cotton, linen, and jerseys complement the warm weather, and you can’t help but feel in tune with what’s going on around you when your clothing is light.

The most important thing we can all do right now is to feel like we’re doing the best to guard our physical and mental health and connection to others as safely as possible. If you implement the list above, you should be well on your way to an all-around healthy Spring and Summer.


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