Published on August 9th, 2020 | by admin
03 Ways To Pack Lighter As You Travel
Although not much travel is taking place around the world at the moment, as soon as it becomes safe for people to venture out, people are going to be craving a little adventure that they’ve been denied for months. If this sounds like you, you may even be already planning where you want to take your first trip.
To help you make the most of your time on the road and streamline the process of getting to your destination, here are three ways you can pack lighter for your next trip.
Pack Multi-Use Shoes
One category of items that takes up a lot of space in a suitcase or duffle bag is shoes. Even if you’re packing a pair of shoes that’s relatively low profile, they will still eat up a lot of the room that could better be spent packing something else.
To help you cut down on the amount of shoes you pack, Sarah Schlichter, a contributor to Smarter Travel, recommends that you pack shoes that can have multiple uses. While you’re going to need certain shoes if you’re planning to do things like hiking or going to the beach, you likely can find a single pair of shoes that allows you to do most of the things you’ll participate in for the majority of your trip. So while you might like the idea of a new pair of shoes each day, to save space, you should probably keep most of your shoes at home in your closet.
Use Travel-Sized Containers
If you’re going to be bringing any kind of toiletries with you in your luggage, Janice Lieberman, a contributor to Reader’s Digest, advises that you always take it out of it’s normal container and pack it into a travel-sized container.
Especially for things like shampoo, lotion, mouthwash, and more, you’re really only going to need a small amount while you’re traveling anyway. Plus, if you wind up running out, you can always buy another travel-sized item or just use what’s provided for you wherever you’re staying during your trip.
Bring One And Plan To Wash It
Depending on how long you’re going to be traveling, Libby Kane, a contributor to Business Insider, shares that you may be able to get away with just packing one pair of everything that you plan to wear. To do this, you’ll likely also want to pack some laundry detergent so that you can wash items that get dirty while you wear them. By as long as you have the ability to clean your clothes, either yourself or through a laundry service, you don’t really need to pack more than one piece of clothing for each kind.
If you’re wanting to pack light on your future trips, consider using the tips mentioned above to help you accomplish this.