Published on February 23rd, 2020 | by admin
03 Tips For Planning A Trip With An Elderly Loved One
While traveling can be stressful and challenging for anyone, these feelings can become even more pronounced as you get older and have more physical limitations set on you. As a result of this, many elderly people need additional help when they travel, which is why it’s a great idea for younger people to join their elderly loved ones when taking a trip.
If you have travel plans in the works to enjoy with your parents or grandparents, here are three tips for planning that trip with your elderly loved ones.
Check Their Health Before Leaving
Before setting off on your travel adventure, even if you’re just planning to get away for the weekend, it’s always a good idea to have your loved one see their doctor to ensure that they are in good health before leaving.
Especially if you and your loved one will be leaving the country, recommends that you speak with your loved one’s doctor about their immunizations and vaccinations being up-to-date. Depending on where you’re going on your trip, it might be wise to get a tetanus booster or a flu shot. And if you’re going somewhere where other medical concerns could become a problem, make sure you’re both well aware of how to best protect and care for your elderly loved one.
Pack Medication Wisely
Almost all elderly people have some form of medication that they take on a regular basis, even if it’s just a multivitamin or some baby aspirin. So to ensure that your loved one never misses a dose, it’s important that you help them pack their medication wisely.
According to Doreen Barnes, a contributor to, you should have your elderly loved one bring at least an extra week’s worth of medication when packing for a trip. That way, if your trip winds up getting extended for any reason, you won’t have to worry about running out of medication. Additionally, if you’re checking any baggage, make sure the medication stays with you so that you don’t lose the medication even if the rest of your luggage gets lost.
Plan For Help At The Airport
Being at the airport is stressful enough without having to worry about mobility issues that plague so many seniors. So if you and your loved one are planning to fly for your trip, Sabah Karimi, a contributor to USA Today, recommends that you arrange for help with transportation inside the airport.
Carts or shuttles should be available to take those with mobility issues directly to their gate once past security. So to ensure you have this option available to you, call the airport before you arrive.
If you’re planning to take a trip with your elderly loved one, consider using the tips mentioned above to help you prepare for traveling together.