Published on June 2nd, 2018 | by admin
0My Beach Ready Packing Tips
Practically everyone loves the beach. Other types of break are growing in popularity, but most people still book at least one sun, sea, and sand holiday, every year. So, bearing this in mind I thought you guys would appreciate a beach related packing list. Here is a round-up of what I always take with me.
The right swimwear is essential. Firms like sell a good selection and, importantly, cater for men, women, and children of all sizes.
Shop early for swimwear
It is wise to buy your costume a couple of weeks before you are due to travel. This gives you the chance to try it on and make sure it looks right and is modest. If you are planning to indulge in beach games or water sports double check it is suitable. Put yourself through a wide range of movements to make sure that it stays in place as it should.
A micro towel
It is wise to take a beach towel with you. Modern micro towels can be OK if you are planning to hire a sunbed. They will take up very little space in your case.
A hat and sunglasses
You need to protect your eyes, so always wear a set of good quality sunglasses. This article explains how to buy a pair that provides proper protection. It is also wise to wear a hat. This will help to protect your hair from sun damage.
Hair and skin protection
If your hair is dry or brittle and you do not want to wear a hat, try using coconut or raspberry oil. These are said to provide some protection from the sun.
It is really important to pack and use a high factor sun cream. Do not forget to put some on your lips too. If you do not like the way that feels buy some lip salve with a built-in sunblock.
Bug protection
In some places, you may be pestered by flies and beach bugs. You can reduce your chances of your being bitten, using a DEET based spray.
A simple first aid kit
Cuts and scrapes are going to happen, so it is wise to be ready for them. Packing some antiseptic cream, waterproof plaster can enable you to stay on the beach rather than having to leave and seek treatment. To avoid infections any cuts you pick up on the beach should be treated straight away.
Proper footwear
Speaking of which, walking barefoot on a beach is not really a good idea. Every time you do it you are taking the risk of stepping on something sharp that is buried in the sand. So, pack water shoes or flip-flops.
A shade tent
If you have kids, they will need to have access to shade. So, it makes sense to pack a small shade tent or hire a beach umbrella.
More packing tips
If you would like some more general packing tips, you can find them here. The advice you will find there is particularly applicable to those who only want to take hand luggage.