
Published on April 30th, 2021 | by admin


How Ideazon Helps People Find Financial Freedom With Crowdfunding

Crowdfunding has grown in popularity over the past decade, becoming one of the means widely used by entrepreneurs to generate funds for their business ideas. Kickstarter, a crowdfunding platform, has raised over $4.6 billion through crowdfunding. Fundable, a crowdfunding service platform, has generated more than $571 million in funding for entrepreneurs since its inception.

With these figures, crowdfunding may seem like the only route for you to get your product to the market, generate leads and pre-orders, create a media boost around your company and products, and generate incredible revenue. While crowdfunding is an easier route than getting Series A or Series B funding, it’s certainly not a walk in the park.

And yes, crowdfunding may require less capital; but you still need a crowdfunding expert agency like Ideazon to ensure that your campaign is successful.

How Ideazon Help People Find Financial Freedom With Crowdfunding

Submit Your Ideas

Before Ideazon can help with your crowdfunding campaign, you must submit the target business idea for approval. The approval process is rigorous market research, feasibility studies, product research, competition, the likelihood of the product, or service, blossoming or dying mid-campaign.

Ideazon has a penchant for ensuring that all its campaigns are successful; hence, the team does not just take on every campaign support request they receive.

The Campaign Stage

If Ideazon approves your idea or proposal, the work to get the campaign launched and adequately moving begins—and it’s a lot of work. The campaign process involves getting your product to the market, creating a buzz around the product, ensuring that the buzz grows and leads to sufficient interaction between the producer, or idea bearer, and the potential consumers.

Ideazon handles the graphics, digital marketing, product exhibition process, social media strategy, and other necessary implementations to ensure that your product or service campaign.

One of Ideazon’s most successful campaigns is the New Wave E-Bikes campaign which generated about a million two hundred thousand dollars–$1.2 million in its crowdfunding campaign efforts on Indiegogo.

The electronic bike market has become quite diffused in recent years, and with powerful innovations by other companies, there was no doubt that New Wave E-Bikes would fail. With Ideazon behind New Wave E-Bike, the campaign was successful.

Marketing Efforts

A crowdfunding campaign can only be successful if certain factors and strategies are done right. Two such factors include product compatibility with the market and marketing.

The first factor is the product compatibility with the market defines how much the market or potential consumers like your product—and how much they are willing to pay to enjoy whatever satisfaction your product offers.

The second factor, marketing, requires professional strategy and execution—one which Ideazon provides. From graphics design to video creation, digital marketing, and every other marketing effort, Ideazon provides your company with a team of professionals to handle every process.

These are just few of the reasons why you should launch your crowdfunding campaign with Ideazon.

It’s Fun and A Great Way to Learn

Ideazon’s crowdfunding campaign team provides a positive, creative, and interactive environment for its client. While they have decade-long professionals handling each project, they welcome feedback from the client and improve strategies to make excellent

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