Beauty Things

Published on December 22nd, 2019 | by admin


3 Tips For Preparing For A Facelift

While some people embrace the idea of aging, most would rather their age not be extremely evident by looking at their face. Luckily, there are things you can do to help your face look and feel younger, including cosmetic surgery like a facelift.

If this is something you’ve been considering and feel you’re ready to make this type of permanent change to your appearance, here are three tips to help you prepare for having a facelift.

Speak With Your Surgeon About Risks and Complications

As with all surgeries, having a facelift doesn’t come without its own potential for complications and risks. Because of this, it’s crucial that you speak with your surgeon about all of these things prior to having your surgery done so you can know exactly what might be in your future.

According to, when speaking with your surgeon about risks and complications, you should be sure to address things like how long your recovery is expected to be, what kind of help you should have in place while you recover, all of the complications and risks that could come from your surgery, and what will be done if any of those risks or complications come to fruition.

If you aren’t satisfied with the answers you’re given by your surgeon, you might want to consider consulting with another plastic surgeon who you feel more comfortable with or confident in.

Know This Might Not Be Your Only Surgery

While you and your surgeon might be on the same page with the expected outcome of your surgery, there’s really no guarantee that the expected outcome will be the actual outcome until the surgery is over and you’ve healed completely.

In the event that everything didn’t go according to plan, you should be aware that a second surgery might be in the cards for you. According to WebMD, this happens in about 15 to 20 percent of cases. So although you might not necessarily want a second surgery, one might be required to get your facelift to come out exactly how you want it.

Find Someone Who Can Help You Post-Surgery

After your facelift is completed, you’re likely not going to be feeling up to taking care of yourself for the first few days. Because of this, the Mayo Clinic recommends that you arrange for someone to drive you home from your surgery and then stay with you for at least the first night that you’re back at home. With an extra set of hands around, you’ll be able to ensure that your recovery gets off on the right foot and that you have the help you need if you can’t do something on your own for the first little while.

If you’re going to have a facelift done in the near future, consider using the tips mentioned above to help you prepare for this medical procedure.


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